THE IDEARamadan is a time of year when people voluntarily go without food and drink in daylight hours to build empathy with those in need, and hopefully ease some of their burdens. That means no coffee, no lunch and no snacks for a month.
Give 30 is simple: everyone, regardless of faith, gives to the Give 30 Campaign Partner Organizations during Ramadan. For example, if you're fasting, tally up your lunch and coffee money saved during the month and give that amount. Or, if you're not fasting, brown bag your lunch and give the money you saved during the month. It might be a small change for 30 days, but it can make a difference for those who are in need. |
THE NEEDDespite prosperity in our society, hunger and economic poverty are realities for many of our neighbours. For example, food banks across Canada and the United States receive hundreds of thousands of visits each month, and a significant number of food bank clients are children.
A major challenge to food security is insufficient income and lack of affordable housing, which leads to people eating poorly, or in some cases, not eating at all. For many food bank clients housing (rent, utilities etc.) uses up most of their income, which leaves little money to buy food. |
Be the change you want to see in the world. ~ M.K. Gandhi